RSS directory

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RSS directory

Post by Galladite »

Hi, I'm making an RSS feed directory targeting mostly small and tech-related blogs.
Does anyone either want to be listed in it or have any suggestions for interesting blogs to put in it?
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Yukinu »

Galladite wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:13 am Hi, I'm making an RSS feed directory targeting mostly small and tech-related blogs.
Does anyone either want to be listed in it or have any suggestions for interesting blogs to put in it?
Neat, the other day I came, a site about old obscure 80s and 90s software and games. The author has an RSS feed at and posts roughly every 1-2 months (low frequency), but includes full articles in the feed. Might be one to look into.
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Galladite »

Thanks, that looks interesting. Added! :D
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Amelia »

Some from my hoard:
The New Leaf Journal - Blog about a lot of stuff, updates often, found here on Yukinu's site.
Metalune's blog - Personal blog.
Simply Panda Jenn - Webcomic, currently on hiatus though.
David Revoy - Artist and webcomic illustrator, but the RSS feed also has blogposts and video tutorial links.
Havoc Fox - Video game devlog. Updates slowed down recently to quarterly.
Veloren - Video game devlog, updates weekly except when it's not.

And my own ones, for good measure:
BuKnight - Video game devlog, updated roughly monthly.
Catscape Navigators - A 'random things found on the web' type site, updates are super erratic.
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Yukinu »

Just posted this feed a few minutes ago on the site: It's a blog about the old OS/2 operating system and other old operating systems from around the 80s-90s.
Amelia wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:22 pm And my own ones, for good measure:
BuKnight - Video game devlog, updated roughly monthly.
Catscape Navigators - A 'random things found on the web' type site, updates are super erratic.
Nice game! Played version v0.6,3 for a few minutes through WINE, somewhat reminds me of sonic games on the genesis, but with some combat mechanics added in.


Re: RSS directory

Post by Amelia »

Thank you for your kind words; am happy WINE can handle it without problems or slowdowns, according to your image at least.
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Yukinu »

Amelia wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:29 pm Thank you for your kind words; am happy WINE can handle it without problems or slowdowns, according to your image at least.
Worked flawlessly with WINE when I was playing it, didn't require any additional libraries or tweaks either to get it working
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Galladite »

Amelia wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:22 pm Some from my hoard:
Some of those look really interesting. I also really like the idea of Catscape Navigators :mrgreen:. Added!
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Amelia »

So since newer browsers don't support RSS feeds out of the box anymore I actually found out you can use comments to give people a heads' up and even a tutorial for it inside the feed itself without compromising readability. I mentioned some example programs one can use and how to add a feed as well as setting refreshing to manual instead of automatic, not sure if I should add anything else.
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Re: RSS directory

Post by Yukinu »

Amelia wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:30 pm So since newer browsers don't support RSS feeds out of the box anymore
You can actually add back the fuctionality of finding RSS feeds and including a link to them in the URL back into firefox with this extension:
Amelia wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:30 pm I actually found out you can use comments to give people a heads' up and even a tutorial for it inside the feed itself without compromising readability. I mentioned some example programs one can use and how to add a feed as well as setting refreshing to manual instead of automatic, not sure if I should add anything else.
Do you mean through comments in the RSS feed XML file? If so that's actually an interesting idea for showing people how to use RSS, include the guide inside the feed itself and then import the same feed into an RSS reader.
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