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Post by nafnlj »


This directory popped up in my referrers today. The home page features a random post button. I tried it and found that it does indeed take you to a random blog post from the a site in the directory. One neat feature: Every time you navigate to a random post, that post along with the site, author, publication date, and feed/Mastodon links (if applicable) appear next to the article.

The homepage says that it can be installed as a PWA on Android, but I have not tried that.

Despite the IndieWeb branding, it is not limited to IndieWeb. The FAQ ( notes that it draws from several sources. My site was apparently added on July 7, 2023, so I am guessing that it was added because I posted to the recent Hacker News thread asking for people to share their sites. However, my site was in Ye Olde Blogroll and for a while, so it does not seem to add from its listed sources automatically.

It accepts submissions, but it only includes sites with feeds.
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Post by nafnlj »

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You can subscribe to receive random posts (weekly or daily) via RSS.
Administrator and Editor of The New Leaf Journal (thenewleafjournal [dot] com) and Administrator of The Emu Café Social (social [dot] emucafe [dot] org)
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